
Un mundo a tus pies

Blog de noticias de la Asociación Mundus: encuentra tu plaza para un Servicio Voluntario Europeo (SVE), intercambios, cursos. ¡Movilízate!


EVS Volunteer

¡SVE en Sofia! ¿Quieres organizar un festival cultural?

SVE en Bulgaria. ¿Te gustaría formar parte del equipo organizador de un festival juvenil en Sofia y Sandanski? Buscamos un/a voluntario/a para el proyecto «Let´s create new perspective!» en Bulgaria (11 meses de duración). Participarás junto a voluntarios/as de España, Serbia y Eslovaquia en la organización, desarrollo y evaluación del Balkan Youth Festival.


Nombre del proyecto: Let’s create new perspective!

Asociación de acogida: Balkan Youth Festival (BYF)

Duración: 11 meses

Inicio del proyecto:  Incorporación inmediata.

Ciudad: Sofia y Sandanski, Bulgaria

Número de plazas disponibles: 1

Número total de voluntarios en el proyecto: 3 (España, Serbia y Eslovaquia)

Presentación de la experiencia de los voluntarios de 2015

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-28 a las 12.47.19.png

Descripción del proyecto

Los tres voluntarios seleccionados (de Eslovaquia, Serbia y España) que participen en este SVE de larga duración vivirán en Sofia en la primera y segunda fase del proyecto. En la segunda fase, los participantes trabajarán en la ciudad de Sandanski (durante un mes), donde se celebra el Balkan Youth Festival.

Participarás en la preparación del XXI BYF, trabajando concretamente en la promoción, mantenimiento de la página web, la programación, realización de actividades, análisis de los resultados de festival (feedback de los participantes), haciendo publicaciones en redes sociales, etc.

La participación en este proyecto te ayudará a desarrollar: tu capacidad de emprendimiento y organización; tus habilidades comunicativas; tus conocimientos informáticos.

Trabajarás en equipo haciendo contacto con jóvenes y organizaciones juveniles de Bulgaria y el resto de Europa. El proyecto te dará la oportunidad de involucrarte en la cultura y tradiciones de búlgaras y balcánicas así como en el día a día de sus asociaciones juveniles.

Para resumir, el proyecto tiene como objetivo potenciar la proactividad y creatividad de los voluntarios, así como construir un sentimiento de solidaridad y tolerancia a través de las diferencias.

Fases del proyecto

1ª Fase: Adaptación de los voluntarios; formación a la llegada y team building; creación de equipos de trabajo y planificación de las actividades. Del 1 de junio al 15 de julio.

2ª Fase: Preparación y promoción del XXI Balkan Youth Festival. Del 16 de julio al 6 de septiembre.

3ª Fase: Desarrollo del Balkan Youth Festival. Del 7 al 11 de septiembre.

4ª Fase: Resumen y promoción de los resultados del festival. Feedback con los participantes. Del 11 de septiembre al 31 de diciembre.

5ª Fase: Resumen y evaluación de los resultados del proyecto SVE -preparación de presentaciones, informes finales y certificados Youthpass. Del 1 de enero al 31 de abril.

¿Qué perfil están buscando?

-Alguien con experiencia o interesado en la gestión de eventos (festivales, competiciones, exhibiciones, conciertos, cafés lingüísticos…).

-Con interés y motivación en aprender búlgaro.

-Con la mente abierta y con buenas habilidades comunicativas.

-Con experiencia o interés en proyectos de movilidad juvenil y voluntariado.

-Alguien interesado en grabación de video, cortometrajes, fotografía, diseño, prensa, contenido web…

-Alguien entre 18 y 30 años, que sepa comunicarse en inglés y que quiera pasárselo bien y conocer a jóvenes europeos como él/ella.

Información práctica

-La asociación de envío (MUNDUS) se encargará de la compra de los vuelos y de sacarte un seguro que te cubra durante tu voluntariado.

-Recibirás mensualmente pocket money food money para tus gastos durante el SVE.

-Te alojarás en un piso totalmente equipado (con cocina) con otros voluntarios en el centro de la ciudad.

¿Te interesa? 

Envíanos tu CV  y carta de motivación en inglés a alberto@asociacionmundus.com con el asunto:


«Keep Calm & Love Culture» busca dos voluntarios/as

SVE en Rumanía. Keep Calm & Love Culture busca dos voluntarias o voluntarios para un SVE (Servicio de Voluntariado Europeo / Erasmus+) de siete meses de duración. Los voluntarios se alojarán en la ciudad de Arad, Rumanía. En total el proyecto contará con 16 jóvenes que vienen de Bulgaria, Italia, España y Turquía.

Duración: 7 meses

Inicio del proyecto:  Mayo o Junio de 2016

Ciudad: Arad, Rumanía

Número de plazas disponibles: 2

Objetivos Keep Calm & Love Culture

-Desarrollar el espíritu empresarial y las competencias de expresividad cultural entre los 16 voluntarios SVE.

– Mejorar la independencia y la participación activa del grupo de jovenes dentro del marco cultural y político juvenil de la comunidad que acoge a los chicos y chicas.

– Impulsar el sector público y el sector no gubernamental dentro del marco político y cultural juvenilen la ciudad de Arad.



Los 16 voluntarios trabajarán con asociaciones y voluntarios locales, desarrollando diferentes actividades:

1. Keep Calm and Love International Art Festivals: promocionar y organizar actividades para los seis festivales de arte.

2. Keep Calm and Join Erasmus+ Artoteque: incluye la participaciόn de otras dos categorias que implican, la participaciόn de 20 jovenes de la ciudad de Arad que tienen problemas económicos. Las actividades serán: objetos de artesanía hechos a mano, reciclaje creativo, reparación de muebles viejos, talleres de arte y la utilización creativa de los espacios de la ciudad.

3. Keep calm and Learn Foreign Languages: idioma extranjero/ cursos informales de lengua inglesa.

Perfil del participante

Residentes en España de entre 17-30 años. Entre los participantes, el 50% de los jóvenes selecionados serán personas con problemas económicos y que realizarán actividades que podrán ayudarles a encontrar un trabajo una vez finalizado el proyecto.




¿Cuál es la asociación coordinadora del proyecto?

Centrul Municipal de Cultura Arad (CMCA) es una institución pública dirigida por el ayuntamiento de Arad. Nuestros objetivos son: subvencionar y promocionar los artistas jóvenes, empresarios, artesanos locales, dándoles la oportunidad de exponer sus trabajos, facilitando el acceso a la cultura de Arad, organizando eventos culturales y artisticos, promoviendo el dialogo intercultural, interétnico e intergeneracional entre las culturas desarrollando la enseñanza para los jovenes.


La ciudad de Arad está situada en la parte occidental de Rumania, a 50 km de Hungría y es la duodécima ciudad más grande de Rumania, y tiene 200.000 habitantes.

En Arad hay también una maravillosa fortaleza que tiene la forma de una estrella. En el pasado Arad la llamaban “la pequeña Viena” porque las dos ciudades tenían una arquitectura muy parecida.



Los voluntarios tendrán a disposición cada mes una cierta cantidad de comida y podrán también comprársela, o cocinarse algo. El primer mes recibirán el dinero en efectivo , y después en una tarjeta bancaria.

Transporte Local

La organizaciόn de acogida les proporcionará un billete mensual para los transportes públicos, para coger el tranvía en la ciudad.


Los voluntarios estarán alojados en apartamentos, dos personas compartirán la misma habitación con el baño y la cocina en común. Habrá sábanas, mantas y todo lo necesario por la cama, muebles, internet, lavadora, y una cocina con todo los utensilios necesarios.

¿Te interesa? ¿Cómo proceder?

Envíanos tu CV  y carta de motivación en inglés a alberto@asociacionmundus.com con el asunto:





EVS en Wroclaw, Polonia! Plazo hasta el 7 de Abril!

“Jump into the volunteer’s ferry” group EVS project will be developed in The Foundation of Social Integration Prom  from Wroclaw, between 1st Sept 2014 and 31st July 2015.

4 volunteers from different countries will work during 10 months (activity starts 01.09.2014 finish 30.06.2015).

Main task of the project is equal opportunities and Roma communities. This project embraces different levels of interventions towards different populations (Polish children, Romani communities and adults with mental disorder).

It’s aimed to develop solidarity and to promote active citizenship and mutual understanding among young people. Volunteers will work in integrating community centers for youth and children from polish and Romani group, in You are not alone- a club for people with mental disorder and their families, sometimes in the office helping by ongoing project in the frame of Governmental Romani Programme. Four hours a week will be dedicated to polish lessons. Volunteers will actively take part in all the activities and working methods to be used in the center (workshops, observations, presentations, exchange of ideas, cooperation process, group dynamics) assume that volunteers will actively take part in every stage. Through participation in the project four young people will get acquainted with Polish culture and the Roma minority, will increase their interpersonal, intercultural and language skills, learn interesting ways to work with groups at risk of exclusion, increase self-reliance and responsibility through a confrontation with another culture.



Our organization is located in Wroclaw Image

www.wroclaw.pl/ms/english/www.wirtualnywroclaw.eu/ – a very open and cosmopolitan city full of young people and students.
The main goal of the Foundation “Prom” is to integrate and support people from disadvantaged backgrounds; to enable them to participate in educational and cultural events; to promote them in society; to fight against discrimination, intolerance and lack of acceptance towards the most helpless groups in Poland ( the poorest, unemployed, national minorities).
The major need is to break off the negative stereotypes and know each other by acting together.
We work with children, youth and adults from poor and pathological families (we have two community centres (working afternoons) for children and youth. We take care of them, organize artistic and sports activities, excursions, summer and winter holidays, we offer a chance for them to develop their interests, artistic skills and enhance educational possibilities.
We provide the poorest with food in cooperation with Food Bank, we give legal advice free of charge, learn about social issues and human rights. We have great experience in work with Romani Community from Wroclaw. We cooperate with Romani Bacht Association, we participated in international study tours to Romani Associations from Czech and Slovakia, Hungary, we published books about education and situation of Romani people in Central Europe and picture stories about Romani History.
Our Foundation also cooperates with teachers, psychologists, art therapist, trainers, dance instructors, lawyers, students and other non-governmental organizations for the enrichment of our activities and interventions within the community.

Description of activities:

Volunteers will be working in the Club for people with mental problems three times a week, in the morning. In the afternoon in different community centres for children and youngsters: one of which integrates Roma and Polish children and another is based in neighbourhood with various social problems. Sometimes they will be asked to work in the office helping by on going projects, especially those in frame of Governmental Programme for the Roma community in Poland.
Two volunteers will be more involved with the “You are not alone club” (adults with mental disorders)
Two volunteers will be more involved with the children’s centres (polish and Roma children)

The volunteers, however, will have the opportunity to participate in both Prom’s areas. They are not limited to just only one, but simply they will be more dedicated to either the centre for adults or the centres for children.

The main aim: Development of solidarity and social activity promotion within the group of youngsters and children.
The main subject: Proving an equal chance to Roma community, children from poor families and people with mental problems.
Volunteers’ role and tasks
Volunteers will be supporting Prom’s employees in the carrying out the project:

Proposed activities:

“You are not alone club” (adults with mental disorders):
participation and help in the activities for adults with mental disorders;
opportunity to create and develop leisure activities (art workshops, gymnastics, field trips, relaxation, theatre, table games);
cultural exchange through story telling/ presentations;
organization of meetings with other similar centres promoting communication and exchange between the beneficiaries;
help in extra activities that might take part (e.g. Easter/Christmas fairs);
Helping by food distribution to the poorest families from our beneficiaries.

Children’s centres:
participation and help in the activities for children;
helping by trials and shows of Children’s Dancing Romani Group “Terne Romani Bacht”;
participation in educational projects organised by the foundation;
helping in organization of important events exe. Christmas Eve with Prom Foundation;
preparation of volunteers own activities under the supervision of Prom’s educational workers;
organisation of meetings with the representatives of other community centres and non-governmental organisations from Wroclaw promoting volunteering within the Roma Association – Romani Bacht;
meetings promoting volunteers cultural background;
helping by organisation and participation in trips (one day or one week long);
promotion of the European Voluntarism within the young people from other community centres contributing to the increase of knowledge about different countries and their cultural tradition.

Occasionally in the office:
by on going projects within Governmental Programme for the Roma community in Poland
helping by organisation of international meetings and conferences, exhibition if there are any within Governmental Programme for the Roma community in Poland.

Volunteers will have a chance to observe different specialist at work: teachers, psychologists, dance teachers, language teachers and art therapist.

Important events organised in the foundation during the year and assisted by volunteers: Christmas Eve, long term trips for children (may be winter or summer holidays).

Typical volunteer’s day will be structured as follows:
10:00 -13:00 work in the Nie Jestes Sam club (You Are Not Alone club) for people with mental problems and their families – three times a week
11:00- 13:00 Polish language course twice a week. (4 hours). During all project.
13:30 lunch
15:00 – 18:30 work in the community centres for children: “Zakątek Krasnoludka” (Dwarf’s Corner) – community centre integrating Polish and Roma children, “Promyki” (Rays) community centre. Sometimes working in the Foundation office helping with on going projects.
Volunteers will have 2 days off during a week, mainly at the weekend. If their assistance is required at the weekend (during trips with the children from community centres) then they get those two days back during the week. Volunteers will work about 35 hours per week. They are entitled to 20 days of holidays, in the time suitable for the Foundation and volunteers.

Linguistic support: Volunteers will have four hours of individual Polish lessons once a week.

Accommodation: Volunteers will be living in student apartments or with other EVS volunteers.

Alimentation: Volunteers will be provided with money to buy food. And begging of each month has to present invoice to proof expenses. While working in the community centres for children and Nie Jestes Sam club (You Are Not Alone club) volunteers will be served coffee, tea, biscuits or other snacks.

Pocket money: Volunteer will be provided with pocket money every month.

Local transport: Volunteers will be provided with monthly pass for local transport: regular bus, night link, fast bus and trams.

Volunteers profile:
We would like to invite all the people to take part in the project who are:
interested in psychology, educational science studies, social work in a big city, interested in Roma culture, history and current problems of Roma community, creative, optimistic, outgoing and honest,
flexible, patient, friendly and helpful, independent, with ability to show initiative (very important in working with people with mental problems) !!! responsible and trustworthy, interested and experienced in work with children, youth, people with mental problems and minorities, interested and experienced in working in NGO’s office, helping with international projects, motivated to complete this project.

Volunteers are not required to have qualifications necessary to work with children, young people or people with mental problems, but some experience in working with this group is essential !!!
It will be great when they speak little polish or have interesting skills and hobby: dancing, painting, drawing, hand crafts, circus skills, playing instruments or singing, expirience of theater – very popular with our beneficiaries. Good computer skills will help in work by the projects in the Foundation office.

Deadline to send application for volunteer 7 of April 2014. (cv with picture!, motivation letter and questionnaire that we send to candidates).

Please put your name and country on each file you send !!!


ENVÍA TU APLICACIÓN TAL COMO ESTÁ DESCRITO A ingrid.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com asunto «Foundatia PROM» antes del 7 de abril 2014.

EVS en Cluj Napoca! Plazas vacantes para españoles!

The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre is looking for 9 volunteers for an EVS project due to start in November 2014.

Theme of the project: youth participation, active citizenship, European Youth Capital

When?: November 2014 – August 2015 (10 months)

Where?: Cluj-Napoca is the second biggest city in Romania, one of the few growing cities regarding its population. Cluj-Napoca is the regional center and economic powerhouse of Transylvania. Cluj-Napoca is 2015’s European Youth Capital and it aims to become European Capital of Culture in 2021. Cluj-Napoca. The city has a high number of students officially not registered in the city as inhabitants but living most of the year here in fact. Because of this the real number of inhabitants goes beyond 400,000 people, while the percentage of its young population is over 50 percent.Image

Cluj-Napoca is the friendliest city towards foreigners, according to Eurostat. 96% of its inhabitants feel good in this city. Cluj-Napoca ranks among the top quarter cities related to how easy it is to find a job.


Coordinating organization – Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre (2012-RO-19): CVCN (Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre) has as mission the development of volunteering as a means of involvement in solving out the problems of the local community.Since the date of legal establishment in 2004,the different services provided to the local community involve:recruiting and recommending volunteers for other NGOs,training and supervising volunteer managers,offering a set of instruments useful in working with volunteers,informing volunteers about volunteering opportunities in Cluj-Napoca,organizing volunteering campaigns and promotion events,organizing training sessions for the development of volunteers,etc. Since 2010, CVCN has started to be involved also in EVS projects.Up to this point we have hosted 60 volunteers in different projects in Cluj (mainly long-term) and we have sent 62 young romanians in projects abroad.

Host organization – The SHARE Cluj-Napoca Federation (2013-RO-89): the federation was established based on the Memorandum of Understanding for the Youth@Cluj-Napoca 2015 Initiative. The Federation has about 30 founding members, almost all of these being youth organizations.The SHARE Federation has the role of preparing and implementing the Youth@Cluj-Napoca 2015 Initiative based on the decision of the Cluj-Napoca Local Council on 22 June 2013.

What is the European Youth Capital?

The majority of the volunteers’ task and activities is linked to the European Youth Capital (title awarded to Cluj-Napoca in 2015).

The ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) is the title awarded to a European city for the period of one year, during which it will be given the chance to showcase, through a multi-faceted programme, its youth-related cultural, social, political and economic life and development. The EYC initiative encourages the implementation of new ideas and innovative projects, with regard to active participation of young people in society, and seeks to present a role model for the further development of youth policies in other European municipalities. The title is awarded by the European Youth Forum through a competition of programmes open for cities from 49 countries.

Cluj-Napoca will be the European Youth Capital in 2015. The year will fluctuate with several key moments, peaks completed in between with several hundred small actions, a permanent communication activity and public space presence. The European Youth Capital is not just about events but also about the city “wearing” the European Youth Capital. This is why the Capital will be present in the public space, in coffee shops, restaurants, public institutions.


Objectives: the project has as main objective the personal development of the volunteers, including growth in areas such as communication skills, deeper understanding of the concept of mutual acceptance and tolerance, time management skills, planning and organizing events, team-work related skills , creativity and innovation etc; at the same time at the community level, the project aims at promoting the active participation of youth in the community and creating a context that will offer chances for involvement for young people in Cluj.

What will the volunteers do?:

Volunteers will be working in three main departments of the SHARE Federation, in each of them having specific tasks and roles:

Location and event management: assistance in preparing and managing special locations, service and product providers, technical support for the location, assistance in logistics, assembling the location, internal design and features.

Communication and PR management: text editing, working with social media, helping in coordination of printed and other materials, assisting specific communication activities, such as press conferences;

Participants’ management and hosting: assistance in managing the staying of people arriving from other cities, countries, activities regarding the management of their movement within the city, assistance and guidance in managing accommodation for participants.

Each volunteer will work on one main field of activity and will get the recognition of the acquired practice on that specific field. In addition to these, the host and coordinating organization will offer volunteers the opportunity to develop their own personal projects, directly linked to their work in the European Youth Capital and complementary to it (starting from identified needs in the community).


Selection process: 

1.CV and letter of motivation to be sent to ingrid.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com by the 10th of April 2014

2. applicants selected after the first phase will be asked to carry out an online interview (11-15 April 2014)





Proyectos libres y aprobados en Moldavia! Prueba suerte!

1. Catholic Religious Mission Caritas Moldova – http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58001599767
Starting dates: April /May2014.

2. Association for alternative Art and Culture «Art-Labyrinth» – http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58001599535
Starting dates: Sep 2014

3. Foundation «People That Care» – http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58001457152
Starting dates: 1 place from May 2014

4. Association for the Protection of Homeless animals «ALGA» – http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58001369610
Starting dates: 1 place from May 2014 , 1 place from July/Sep 2014

5. The Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children «Casa Gavroche» – http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58000947953
Starting dates: 1 place from July 2014, 1 place from Aug/Sep 2014

6. Centre of Active Recovery and Social Reintegration of the Children and Youth with Physical Disabilities –http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58000910804
Starting dates: 1 place from May 2014, 1 place from June 2014


7. OWH Studio, http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58001600868
Starting dates: 1 place Sep 2014

8. Center for Protection and Promotion of Women Rights «La Strada», http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58000996659
Starting dates: Mar/Apr 2014

9. International Organization for Migration – Mission to Moldova, http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58000996723
Starting dates:  2 places Autumn 2014


10. Charity Association «New Life», http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/new-hei_form_en.cfm?EID=58000947968
Starting dates: 1 place from November 2014


Envía tu CV y cover letter a alberto.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com LO ANTES POSIBLE.


Vacantes EVS en Italia, último día de plazo!

After the official launch of the new Erasmus+ program (in which EVS is included) InCo is ready for the first deadline of the year. We have the placements listed below. They are all long-term projects (meaning activities of 12 months starting in September 2014).


Please check specific details about each host organization using the EI number in the EVS database:

  • Azienda Servizi Sociali di Bolzano (ASSB): EI>> 2012-IT-36 (2 vacancies available). Bolzano is a bilingual city (Italian and German are official languages and used in everyday life). Activities with elderly people.
  • Civica di Trento: EI>> 2013-IT-64 (2 vacancies available). Project located in Trento. Activities with elderly people.

ATTENTION regarding activities with elderly people: please consider that it’s not the same as spending an afternoon with your grandmother! It’s a very beautiful project and there is space to develop own ideas and initiatives but the life of elderly people also involves sometimes loneliness, illness, dementia and death (so you have to be open an prepared to this).

interested? So here the application procedure:

1) contact your sending organization (we won’t accept application done by volunteers directly, only through sending organizations!); (en éste caso Mundus)

2) get in deep information about EVS and its conditions; read as much as possible about the host organization in which you are interested on and the city in which it’s located, verifying so if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;

3) discuss the opportunity with your sending organization checking about the opportunity offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities are essential to guarantee a nice service for you! In case of doubts, give us a call! We will be happy to help.

4) ask to your sending organization to send us an email with your application as it follows (we won’t accept application done by volunteers directly, only through sending organizations!):

>>email’s subject must be: «EVS application InCo: NAME OF THE HOST ORGANIZATION», so, for example: «EVS application InCo: Caritas» (emails without the specific subject won’t be included in the selection process).

>> their contact details as well astheir EI number

>> one paragraph with their evaluation about you and how does the activity match with your profile

>> your CV with picture

>> your specific motivation letter (mentioning the HO and specific activities related). Please notice that general motivation letter won’t be considered! It’svery important you to highlight: why are you interested in this specific kind of activity (not in EVS in general); what do you think you could learn; which could be the difficulties you could face; how do you think you can contribute to the HO.

The deadline to apply is the 16th February. Our email is: sve@incoweb.org

If you would like to apply to more then one vacancy, applications have to be done separately – the documents and evaluation must be specific.

Emails which don’t follow the indications won’t be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.


Sigue los pasos y ofrece ésta información sobre Mundus:

Asociación Mundus con referencia EI número 2013-ES-63. Y si te piden mas detalles de nosotros contacta con: alberto.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com

Mucha suerte!

Video EVS. The Star Gazy Boat Project, Cawsand, UK

Este video trata sobre un proyecto de voluntariado europeo que se hizo en un pequeño pueblo del sur oeste de Inglaterra llamado Cawsand.

Fue premiado como mejor proyecto de Centro Europa 2011.

Alberto, actual miembro del equipo Mundus tuvo la gran suerte de poder vivir en este mismo lugar durante un año, justamente cuando el proyecto se realizaba.

De momento os dejamos con éste  video realmente cautivador!

Voluntario EVS en Cremona, Italia. Inicio Febrero 2014

  • CisVol offers free services to support the various voluntary associations that operate within the province, in order to:
  • – provide instruments and initiatives for the growth of the culture of solidarity, the promotion of new voluntary initiatives and the improvement of the existing ones;
    – provide information, expert assistance, methods and instruments to plan projects, to start activities and put them into effect;
    – organize trainings for the members of the voluntary organizations;
    – give news, documentation and data about local and national voluntary activities.
    The seat of CisVol in Cremona is located in the outskirts of the city in an ancient building called Palazzo Duemiglia, reachable by public transportand by bike. In the same building there are also the Social Studies and Research Center, the Center for Families, the Foster Children Center and a Social Center for the elderly of the City of Cremona.


Cisvol does not have any preference for age, background or nationality of the volunteer. The young, however, should possess a strong motivation to work in the world of volunteering. The volunteer should have spirit of adaptation and should be openness to new activities. Our organisation will read the curricula and the motivation letter of all candidates; it can be arranged some telephone interviews (in English, French or Italian) in the event that the volunteers speak these languages.


Send CV and cover letter to: comunicazione@cisvol.it

RECUERDA decir que Asociación Mundus con referencia EI número 2013-ES-63 es tu Sending Organization.

Y si te piden mas detalles de nosotros contacta con: alberto.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com


Voluntario EVS en Magdeburg, Alemania. Inicio Marzo 2014


  •  If you are interest on intercultural exchange and Europe, you will gain experience in international youth projects or youth information, you will improve their knowledge of German?
  • The Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt, an umbrella organisation with more than 30 member organisations, works in the areas of development policy, European and international exchanges and the integration of immigrants into German society. Every years AGSA organizes «Eurocamp», this is an international youth project with approx. 100 participants from over 30 countries. All the participants live together in order to share their different cultures to enriching everybody
    Besides, AGSA holds seminars and training courses to promote international youth work.
    The volunteer will take part in the project: “Living and Learning in the one-world-house”, that is a long term project and gives the opportunity to be involved in the planning of our youth projects and to explore diverse fields of activity.
    The volunteers will work as assistant for an AGSA employee, in a specific work field and his/her own working place in a shared office. They will gain a lot of cooperation with other volunteers. Through the practical work the volunteer will develop our international contacts and will be involved in our international activities. This can also create new possibilities to cooperate in our international work and to lead youngsters to take part in youth exchanges, volunteer work or youth education.
    At the same time the volunteer will improve his/her knowledge about German and his/her language skills, and that will be useful for his/her future career opportunities indeed.
    During the year the person is expected to develop an independent way and put his/ her personal project into operation.
    The accommodation for the volunteers is a shared community-flat, shared with European or national volunteers from ours and others organisation but also with students. The volunteers will have their own room and they will share kitchen and bath room.


The volunteers will work as an assistant to an AGSA employee and in cooperation with other volunteers, with a concrete field of work and an own working place. It is possible to work in different fields, according to volunteer’s interests and the concrete working conditions. One of the volunteer’s most important areas of work will be the preparation for our International Youth Meeting “Eurocamp 2014.” Volunteers will be involved with the preparation for the project, and will be in contact with participants from more than 30 countries. For this purpose the volunteer will be a part of our international team. In a further field of work the volunteers will take part in preparing, carrying out and wrapping up international projects, allowing volunteers to develop skills in many practical and organisational areas. It is also possible to participate as project assistant during our training course “International Youth Work” in November 2013. The volunteers can also get involved in projects on European variety and on participation and involvement in Europe. The European volunteers organise our Language Café, a meeting-point for learners and native speakers in the one-world house that emphasises linguistic variety and takes place twice a month and create more international events together other volunteers. The organisation of the volunteers’ «Stammtisch» brings former, current and future volunteers together every month. Here concrete ideas for involvement in civil society initiatives are developed (Mile of Democracy against Right-Wing Extremism, Intercultural Week, Refugee Day and also Europe Week etc.). Another field of work is the participation in campaigns, informative meetings and fairs, as well as the production of materials for these events. It is also possible to work in AGSA’s PR division, where the young people can get involved in producing publications, documentations, press reviews or photographic documentations. The volunteers can also update and develop the website of our internet portal and Facebook site “chatting” online and invite to an interactive participation in personal and project blogs. All of the important points will correspond to volunteer’s interests and abilities. The volunteer’s tasks will be continually examined and evaluated, allowing for flexibility in the fields of work in accordance with the activities of our other volunteers.


We expect our volunteers to be able to work as part of a team, to work on their own initiative, to be creative and to have fun in trying out themselves. They should be open to new things and be interested in international and political work. Specific interests towards antiracism work and intercultural work or cultural interests or working with internet and photo/ video are an advantage, but not a condition. The young people shall be prepared to have flexible working ours and weekend work, with the possibility to make up for it. We would like our future sending organisations to be active in the field of national or international youth work, culture work, or development policy or European cooperation. We would be glad, if through the volunteer person, cooperation with that sending organisation could develop also in other projects, may be implemented with the help of the volunteer during or after his / her stay with AGSA. Interested youngsters can contact us directly or though our partners. During the selection process the motivation and the expectations and wishes on our project will be challenged. Together we will check if the wishes and the interests of the youngster meet the objectives and the possibilities of our evs-project and we can develop a common plan for tasks. In the selection process we will prefer youngsters, who have already worked in common international youth projects with our partners.


Interested volunteers should send us their applications directly by 20th September. In our application must be include the curriculum vitae, a personal motivation letter and the filled application form in english or german, you can find it here or on our website http://www.eurocamp-agsa.eu to download. After this date we will begin to process the applications; volunteers should be prepared to take part in a telephone interview if necessary. We will finished the selection by 25th September, after we will prepare the application form and activity agreement with the sending organisation and volunteer and apply to the national agency for the 1st October.

RECUERDA decir que Asociación Mundus con referencia EI número 2013-ES-63 es tu Sending Organization.

Y si te piden mas detalles de nosotros contacta con: alberto.unmundoatuspies@gmail.com

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